The Real Slim Shady

So,to start off this pasta,i just want to say,this really happend to me,and i wont froget it,ever.NEVER.
So i would be suprised if you dont know who is eminem the rapper,the rapper who told the world you can be white and rap,the rapper who won an oscar for his song,the rapper who had a whole movie about him name "8 mile" from 2002.
Well,a couple of years ago,to be excact at 2009,i discoverd eminem.i really liked his style,to be accurate i never did like rap before,he was the one who got me to rap.i heard his comeback album "relapse" and i kinda liked it,but,from the meeting i had with him,i never listend to his song ever again.
so it all started when i went to a concert of him with my little brother on 2009,it was in new york.
i bought me and my little brother exclusive tickets for a "talk" with him behind the stage,and a face to preformer seat,it costed alot,and i regret the day we went there.
the show was nice,there were some hits songs like "beautiful" and "my darling" and simillar stuff.
after the 1 hour and 15 minutes long show,me and my brother was very excited.
and so we went backstage to talk with the white millionar rapper.
we sat down,i couldent belive im actually standing in front of the great rapper.we started to talk like we knew each other allready,he is a really nice guy,but he isnt the same eminem.
something wierd happend that meeting.somehow in out 10 minute talk we reached the subject of how diffrent he looks now.i asked him nicely and i said that its a dumb question but i just wanted to know what made him so diffrent from 1996-2005 shady.he told me,that when he was on addiction,or the "other eminem" was on addiction,he had some plastic surgerys,because the drugs made his faced "all jacked up".i was really suprised,and i said "wow,so i guess the drugs did change you,im so sorry to hear that." he said "its ok,but i want to tell you and your little brother one thing.what i said right now will not be heard." i started kinda of stressing out,i said "ok ok,i wont tell anyone about this,im very sorry." and than he said "its ok,you dont have to promise me,i allready have some secrets to tell you." next thing i know,is a big hammer just smashing me and my brothers thing i see,is my little brother tied to the bed knocked out,and i sit in a chair,i can go up from the chair and escaped,but something stopped me,i was too scared.
next thing i see is a door opening,i get taken away from what it seemed from afar like a van,into a graveyard.i ask him "You Fuc***! what did you do to me and my brother!? where are we you sonovabit**!?!?!"
he said "just calm down,i just want to make some explanations",next thing i know is me standing with him next to a grave that says R.I.P Marshall Mathers 1972-2006.i started to freak out and ask what is that and how can it be. he said
"the slim shady is dead.this is eminem,im not eminem,im his fake,and now,you and your brother will die just like him,in a car crash!" than he just laughed like i never saw him laugh before,but he had this evil grin on his face,and his laughter was evil. next thing i know,is my brother standing next to me,and a car comes to us at like 200km per hour.we get floan in the air,and than we land on the road,i can see my blood on the floor,and feel my broken bones,as everything gets white,im thinking im dying,and im just dying from the pain.
I Wake up in a hospital,im strapped to machines,and than everything goes blank again,i find myself inside a grave,i dig my self out and i find fake eminem standing next to me.
and thats it,i run away,and from than i didnt tell noone about that.
The real slim shady....
''Credit to [ Creepypasterforlife]''